Learning Lab Activity

This week I started playing around with the Learning Lab, the Smithsonian online platform that allows you to build collections to use with your students.

Check out the activity I made using the Learning Lab platform called Unpacking Sol LeWitt’s open cubes.  The activity allows students to apply what they have learned about drawing 3D shapes and nets. Since making the activity, I have not looked at isometric paper the same. Looking through his variations of open cubes exercised my visualization skills of 3D objects. Noticing which lines were gave the shape more a of 2D feel or 3D feel.

This activity has students make connections between the planning phases, chair design then links to the optical illusions that OK GO! (Smithsonian Ingenuity Award winners) uses in their music video “The Writing’s on the Wall” 

Enjoy, and please send your feedback.

Photo from Smithsonian, Learning Lab

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